2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog > College of Business > Degree Programs in the College of Business > Accounting (AC)
The objective of the major in accounting is to prepare our students for careers as professional accountants, in public practice, industry, government, and other areas, and to provide an academic framework for future graduate study. With a wide variety of career options available to accounting graduates, the Accounting Department offers an additional option for accounting majors, “Accounting (with Minor).” Under this option, the student will take the core accounting requirements and pair them with a minor selected from a variety of fields. This option does not meet the requirements to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam in Alabama, unless paired with an accounting-related minor. If you intend to sit for the CPA exam, you should complete the “Accounting (no Minor)” option or the “Accounting (with Minor)” option paired with the Forensic Accounting or Government Contract Accounting minor. Students with non-Accounting degrees preparing to sit for the CPA Exam should refer to the recommended courses following the “Accounting (no Minor)” requirements.