Athens State Graduates

2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

SE 462 Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies for Autism and Developmental Disabilities

This courser will focus on research-based interventions that promote progress in areas such as communication, social, academic, behavior, and sensory motor skills when working with students diagnosed with Autism. Interventions identified will include Augmentative and Alternative Communication strategies, Discrete Trial Instruction, Differential Reinforcement, Shaping, DIR model and its application, Functional Communication Training, Enhanced Milieu Teaching, Early Social Interaction, Peer-Mediated Support Interventions, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Pivotal Response Treatment, Social Stories, and Video Modeling Applications. A DVD is provided in Prelock & McCauley (2012) textbook demonstrating key interventions that will be covered within this course. A performance-based Intervention Project will be required.




SE 460