Athens State Graduates

2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid supports the University goal of providing postsecondary education opportunities by assisting qualified Athens State University students pursue their educational goals with funds from grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs from federal, state, and private sources. The Office is committed to:

  • Ensuring compliance with federal, state and institutional regulations and policy requirements governing student financial aid services;
  • Maintaining funding sources by ensuring program integrity through ongoing staff training and continuing education, external audits, and self-evaluations;
  • Maximizing funds available for Athens State University students to meet their costs of attendance, supplementing the efforts of students and parents in meeting educational goals; and
  • Providing quality financial assistance services effectively and efficiently.

For questions regarding financial aid, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid: (mail) Athens State University Office of Student Financial Aid, 300 North Beaty Street, Athens, AL 35611; (phone) 256-233-8122; (email) Students may also visit the Financial Aid webpage. The Student Financial Aid Office is located on the lower-level of the Sandridge Student Center.

Basic Steps for Applying for Aid

Students must apply for aid each academic year. Additional details can be found on the Student Financial Aid webpage Transfer Guide and Process.

Apply for a U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID)

Apply for an FSA ID at You will be asked to create a username and password and enter your email address. You will receive a secure code by email at the address you entered asking you to confirm your email address with the code. The FSA ID will be your electronic signature for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), renewal of FAFSA, and Master Promissory Note for loans. Parents of dependent students must also have their own FSA ID to sign the FAFSA electronically.

Apply for Federal Aid
Apply for Federal Aid at This application is required to determine a student’s eligibility for federal grant and loan programs. The results of this application are mailed to each student and electronically transmitted to each institution listed on the student’s application. Athens State University’s School Code is 001008.

Verification Review Policy and Procedures (Federal Regulation Reference: 34 CFR 668.51-61)
Each year the federal processor selects a number of financial aid (FAFSA) applications for a review process called verification. In addition to those selected by the federal processor, the University may also select applications for verification. Before awarding any Federal Student Aid, we require this process be completed and may ask you to confirm the information reported on your FAFSA. If your application is selected, the Office of Student Financial Aid will notify you of the items needed. The Office of Student Financial Aid will compare your FAFSA with the information and documentation you provide, and will make any necessary corrections and submit the corrections to the federal processor. The federal processor will then send you and the University an updated information record. The following important information also applies to this process:

  • The time period during which you must submit required items begins when you receive notification from the Financial Aid Office of the requirements. Be sure to check your Athens State e-mail frequently.
  • The DEADLINE for submitting required items is the earlier date of 120 days after your last date of enrollment, or September 1st of the ending year of the aid year (e.g., September 1, 2025, for the 2024-2025 aid year). Failure to complete this process by the deadline date will result in cancellation of your financial aid application for the aid year.
  • If the Athens State Financial Aid administrator has reason to suspect an individual has misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain federal funds, the administrator may report the case to the U. S. Office of the Inspector General for further review.

If you have questions about verification, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid as soon as possible so that your financial aid will not be delayed.

Apply for a Direct Student Loan

Students requesting loan funding must also fulfill the one time online requirements of Entrance Counseling and the completion of a Master Promissory Note at The Master Promissory note requires a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) to complete. The Financial Aid Office receives direct electronic confirmation of the completion of these requirements.

Federal Requirements on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Students Receiving Aid
All undergraduate students must comply with the Federal Requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress as outlined below:

Undergraduate Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

  • Undergraduates must maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA on all undergraduate coursework.
  • All students must successfully complete 67% of all coursework attempted. All W’s, I’s, F’s, repeated coursework and audited coursework count as unsuccessful completions. See the Impact of Withdrawal on Financial Aid page for additional details.
  • Students must complete their first bachelor degree’s requirements within 150% of the usual time frame for degree completion. Athens State University generally requires 124 semester hours to earn a first undergraduate degree.
    • If you are seeking a second degree, you must complete the requirements within 130% of the time frame for the degree. An advisor’s plan of study is required to be on file in Financial Aid for all students pursuing an additional degree. You must follow this plan. Example: if the plan of study calls for an additional 66 hours of study, financial aid will be available for no more than 86 semester hours of credit beyond the first degree. The additional undergraduate degree must be one in which Athens State University will award an additional degree. You must maintain a 2.00 on all course work and complete 67% of all coursework attempted. If you do not follow your degree plan or you exceed 130% of the second degree, financial aid will be placed on Maximum Timeframe Suspension (MAX.) No further aid will be available.
    • If you are seeking a state required teaching certification or certificate program you must complete the requirements within 130% of the time frame for the certification. An advisor’s plan of study is required to be on file in Financial Aid for all students pursuing course work toward a certification. You must follow this plan. Example: if the plan of study calls for an additional 24 hours of study, financial aid will be available for no more than 31 hours of credit. You must maintain a 2.00 on all course work and must complete at least 67% of all courses attempted. If you do not follow your degree plan or you exceed 130% of the state required teaching certification or certificate program, your financial aid will be placed on Maximum Timeframe Suspension (MAX.) No further aid will be available.

If at the end of a semester of enrollment, your completion rate is lower than 67% and/or your cumulative GPA falls below 2.00, your status will be WARNING. (See information below regarding WARNING status.) If at the end of your WARNING semester you fail to regain compliance with SAP, your status will be SUSPENDED. (See information below regarding how to appeal a SUSPENDED status.)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Potential Timeline

  • WARNING Status– The first time you fall short of meeting the required completion ratio or GPA(s) or you are nearing the Maximum Timeframe to complete your degree, your status will be WARNING. You remain eligible to receive financial aid while in WARNING A WARNING status is for one semester only.
  • SUSPENDED Status – After attending one semester on WARNING status, if you do not meet the required completion ratio or required GPA(s), your status becomes SUSPENDED status. You are no longer eligible to receive any financial aid until the required standards are met or you successfully appeal.
  • MAX Status – If you receive a MAX status, you are no longer eligible for financial aid. You may wish to discuss with your advisor the option of a first undergraduate degree in liberal studies with the hours on your transcript.
  • PROBATION Status – After being placed on a SUSPENDED status, AND you have successfully appealed and financial aid has been reinstated, the student is eligible to receive financial aid. This status is only for one term and quite often will carry conditions and/or stipulations for continued eligibility.

Reinstatement Process
A student has two options to seek to regain federal financial aid eligibility:

  • Regain Satisfactory Academic Progress by completing courses that raise your Completion Ratio and/or cumulative GPA to the outlined standards using payment methods other than federal financial aid.

Please note: The process, detailed below, is for appeals related to the suspension and reinstatement of financial aid. Students who have also been suspended from the University for poor academic performance must file a separate appeal concerning the University suspension. Additional information on this process can be found in the Standards of Academic Performance policy.

Student Appeals

Students on SUSPENDED status may submit an appeal for aid reinstatement due to extenuating circumstances. Student appeals must include:

  • A completed Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Form.
  • A typed explanation of:
    • Unusual or mitigating circumstances that you believe prevented or hindered you in making satisfactory academic progress; AND
    • What has changed and/or corrective actions and steps being taken to prevent future problems.
  • Supporting documentation relevant to the circumstances and your request for reinstatement of aid (e.g., doctor’s statements, hospital discharge records, death certificate, etc.).
  • A complete updated plan of study provided by your academic advisor.
  • RECOMMENDED: At least one letter of support from someone (not a family member) who can attest to the extenuating circumstances (e.g., medical doctor, clergy, professional, etc.).

The appeal documentation must be provided to the Office of Student Financial Aid no later than 30 days prior to the tuition payment deadline for the upcoming semester. Failure to provide all documentation within the prescribed dates will result in a delayed determination.

Once the Office of Student Financial Aid makes a decision on your appeal, you will be notified via your Athens State University email account. If you have an approved appeal, your status will be PROBATION. Many times, conditions are required. Generally, PROBATION continues until you have regained SAP, provided you have no W’s, I’s or F’s in the enrollment periods of the probation. Failure to follow all conditions related to your probationary status may result in financial aid being terminated.

If you have previously had your financial aid suspended and you are appealing for a second time, the appeal and all supporting documents will be sent to the Financial Aid Suspension Committee. The Committee will review the appeal and notify the student via Athens State University email account. The Committee’s decision is final and there will be no further appeal reviewed for that financial aid suspension case. The Committee reviews appeals on an intermittent basis which could result in an appeal review taking at least two weeks.

If your appeal is denied or you decide not to appeal, you must complete the hours necessary and achieve the grades required to return to compliance with SAP.

Financial Aid Programs
Additional information on aid programs can be found on the Student Financial Aid webpage Types of Assistance.

Federal Programs

Pell Grants
This program is for students who have not earned a bachelor’s degree or first professional degree. The actual size of a grant award will depend upon the family’s financial situation, the amount of funds actually available for the program each year and the cost of education.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
This program provides grants to qualified applicants who demonstrate exceptional financial need. Pell Grant recipients who demonstrate the most financial need will be the first to get FSEOGs.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
The TEACH Grant Program provides up to $4,000 a year in grant aid to Athens State University undergraduate students pursuing certain majors. Students pursuing an additional bachelor’s degree or a post baccalaureate certification are not eligible for the TEACH grant program. Eligible students may not receive more than $8,000 in total TEACH Grants at Athens State University. A student who receives a TEACH Grant must complete the required teaching service as specified in the conditions of the TEACH grant, or will be required to repay the grants as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan with interest charged from the date of each TEACH Grant disbursement.

Federal Work-Study Program
This program is designed to help students pay for part or all of their educational expenses by working part-time on campus in coordination with their class schedules. This program is available on the basis of need as defined by the student’s Pell Grant information. All requirements and conditions for employment under the Federal Work-Study Program are available in the Athens State University Career Development Center.

Federal Direct Loan Programs

Direct Subsidized Loans – provides students the opportunity to borrow funds for education costs at low interest rates. For students with a defined need, the federal government subsidizes the interest during the certain specified periods.

Direct Unsubsidized Loans – for students with no defined need the federal government provides loan funds with low interest rates, but does not subsidize the interest. Interest accrues to the student while enrolled in school.

Direct PLUS Loans – provides parents the opportunity to borrow funds for their dependent undergraduate student or (2) graduate students the opportunity to borrow in addition to direct loans. Students must be enrolled at least half time in an eligible program at an eligible school. PLUS loans require an acceptable credit history. PLUS loans may be used to borrow up to the cost of education less other financial aid offered to the student. An accepted application must be received by the Office of Student Financial Aid before the award will reflect on the student’s account here at Athens State.

Athens State University does not certify loans to or for students on academic probation or for students failing to meet satisfactory academic progress standards as outlined in the preceding section.

Eligibility Requirements for Federal Aid Programs

  • U. S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Registered with Selective Service (if required)
  • Working toward an eligible degree or certificate
  • Making satisfactory academic progress
  • Not owe a refund on a federal grant or be in default of a federal educational loan
  • Demonstrate financial need via the application process
  • Not receiving aid at more than one school during the same enrollment period

State Programs

Alabama Student Assistance Program Grant
This program is a State/Federal Aid Program designed to provide assistance to residents of the State of Alabama. The program is need based and offers awards based on the Pell need analysis to students with demonstrated “exceptional need.”

TRA -- Trade Readjustment Allowance
This program is a State Aid program designed to assist individuals who became unemployed as a result of increased imports to return to suitable employment. Students must be referred by a state employment office.

WIA --Alabama Workforce Investment Act
This program is a State/Federal Aid program designed to prepare youth and unskilled adults for entry into the labor market and to provide dislocated workers with retraining opportunities that will facilitate their re-entry into the labor market. Students must be referred by a state employment office.

Federal Regulations on Return of Funds for Students Receiving Title IV Aid (Financial Aid)
The federal regulations in effect at the time of publication of this catalog are given below. Regulations are subject to change; for additional details, see the Financial Aid Regulations on the University website.

Title IV funds are awarded to students under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student fails to complete the term, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds he or she was scheduled to receive, and the institution and/or the student may be required to return funds according to federal regulations.

The Title IV programs included in these regulations are Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), TEACH Grants, and Federal Direct Loans. Federal Work-Study funds are not included.

Federal refund regulations require Athens State University to determine the amount of aid “earned” by each student receiving Title IV funds who withdraws from all classes prior to the 60% point in the term. A student completing 60% of the term is considered to have “earned” 100% of the Title IV funds the student was scheduled to receive during the period.

Any student earning a passing grade in at least one course for the term are not subject to the federal Return to Title IV Funds regulations. Students are strongly encouraged to consult the Office of Student Financial Aid prior to withdrawing or dropping out of the term.

Calculations are based on the student’s official withdrawal date. For unofficial withdrawals, calculations are based on the last date of an academically related activity that the student participated in, the mid-point of the term, or the date the school determines the student ceased attendance due to illness, accident, grievous personal loss or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. Unofficial withdrawals dates are determined by the faculty, identifying the last date of activity for courses where a student earned an ‘F’, ‘I’, or ‘W’.

The withdrawal date must be determined within 30 days of the end of the term, academic year or student’s program, whichever is earlier.

The institution must return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible no later than 45 days after the date of the determination of the date of the student’s withdrawal. Athens State University offers all degree programs in a credit hour, term based format. As a credit hour, term based degree program, the following formula is used to compute aid to be returned:

(Days Enrolled / Days in Term) x Title IV Aid Awarded and Disbursed = Aid Earned
(Any break of five days or more is not counted in the days in the term)

Aid Disbursed – Aid Earned = Aid to be Returned

Order of Funds to Return (for which a return of Title IV funds is required)

  • Unsubsidized Direct Loan (other than Direct PLUS Loans)
  • Subsidized Direct Loans
  • Direct PLUS Loans
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Federal TEACH Grant
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

If a student earned less aid than was disbursed, the institution would be required to return a portion of the funds and the student would be required to return a portion of the funds. When Title IV funds are returned, the student borrower will owe a debit balance to the institution if a refund has already been issued.

If a student earned more aid than was disbursed, the institution will owe the student a post-withdrawal disbursement, to be paid within 120 days of the student’s withdrawal.

Responsibilities of Students Receiving Financial Aid

A student receiving financial aid has the responsibility to:

  • Review and consider all information about a school’s program BEFORE enrolling.
  • Pay special attention to the application for student financial aid, complete it accurately, and submit it on time to the appropriate person, office or agency. Errors can delay or prevent receiving aid.
  • Know all the deadlines for applying or reapplying for aid and meet them.
  • Provide all documentation, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the Student Financial Aid Office or the agency to which the application was submitted.
  • Notify the University of any information that has changed since an application was submitted for financial aid.
  • Read, understand, and keep copies of all forms requiring signature(s).
  • Repay any student loans. When a student signs a promissory note, the student is agreeing to repay the loan.
  • Complete an entrance and exit interview for the University if the student has a Federal Direct Student Loan.
  • Notify the University of any change in name, address, or attendance status. If a student has a loan, the lender must also be notified of any changes.
  • Satisfactorily perform the work agreed upon, if the student is employed in a federal work-study job.
  • Understand the University’s refund policy as specified in this catalog.

Rights of Students Receiving Financial Aid

A student has the right to ask the University:

  • For the names of the University’s accrediting and licensing organizations.
  • For a copy of the documents describing the institution’s accreditation or licensing.
  • About the University’s programs, instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities, and about the faculty.
  • About the cost of attending, and about the University’s policy on refunds to students who drop out.
  • About the types of financial assistance that are available, including information on all federal, state, local, private and institutional financial aid programs.
  • About financial aid personnel, where their offices are located, and how to contact them for information.
  •  About the procedures and deadlines for submitting applications for each available financial aid program.
  • How the University determines financial need, including cost of education and resources available.
  • How much of one’s need, as determined by the University, had been met.
  • How and when financial aid is received.
  • To explain each type and amount of assistance in the financial aid package.
  •  About the interest rate on any student loan, the total amount to be repaid, the length of time for repayment and when repayment must start, and what cancellation or deferment provisions apply.
  • If offered a federal work-study job— about the kind of job, the hours to be worked, the duties of the job, the rate of pay, and how and when wages are paid.
  • To reconsider an aid package, if a student believes a mistake has been made, or if enrollment or financial circumstances have changed.
  • About the requirements for satisfactory academic progress, and the consequences of unsatisfactory progress.
  • About the special facilities and services that are available to persons with disabilities.