Athens State Graduates

2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

HPE 430 Teaching, Assessment & Management of PE in Elementary

Course requirements include mandatory campus-based training. Consult the College of Education Calendar of Events Webpage for more information. (Lab fee) (Recommended for Physical Education majors only, and that students take the following courses prior to registering for this course: HPE 321, HPE 322, HPE 324, and HPE 429) Field experience is required. This course is designed for the purpose of providing Physical Education majors with an opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding of source materials, plan and organize instruction, select suitable activities, and prepare teaching units and lesson plans for physical education in the elementary school. The course will provide the candidates with an opportunity to select, construct, and administer student assessment instruments, observe and analyze movement, and recognize and evaluate teacher effectiveness. In addition, the course will also provide the student with an opportunity to design and implement a sequential physical education program based on the Alabama Course of Study and implement lessons in a variety of school settings.




Admission to the Teacher Education Program