Athens State Graduates

2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

CA 402 Mock Cases and Simulations Practicum

This course is the case examination of mock cases and trials as related to juveniles/children and their families. This course will assist students with learning the MDT process and procedures through mock case reviews, examinations, discussions, and simulations of criminal justice and child advocacy actors and personnel. This course will review the forensic interviewing process for pre-trial and trial procedures as well as law enforcement role in investigation and reporting; police and courts. Students will work with local child advocacy centers as well as other related agencies with the MDT. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to recognize the effects of child maltreatment and apply interventions strategies for children and their families. Multidisciplinary approaches to prevention, advocacy and treatment of child maltreatment survivors will be presented and discussed. The course is designed for students majoring in criminal justice, education, social work, sociology, psychology, nursing, paralegal, or other areas where knowledge of child maltreatment and advocating for children will be necessary. This course focuses on the responses of professionals to allegations of child maltreatment. The purpose of this course is to expand the students knowledge and skills in identifying, investigating and prosecuting child maltreatment. The course is designed for students who are likely to pursue a profession in which they will be a mandated reporter and knowledge of child maltreatment and advocacy is critical.
