Athens State Graduates

2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Appeal of Academic Suspension

All academic suspension appeals must use the standard Appeal of Academic Suspension form available on the University website, must include all information and materials as specified on the form, and must be submitted to the recipient specified on the form. Submissions via email must originate from the student’s assigned Athens State student email account. The form must be submitted with any supporting materials before the first day of classes for the term in which the student wishes to re-enroll. Any student appealing academic suspension who fails to meet the deadline will be required to serve out the suspension. The Academic Suspension Appeal Committee’s decision on all appeals is final.

The transcripts for a student who has had suspension waived upon appeal will still note the student was suspended in the applicable term. In order to promote student success and provide intervention in cases of unsatisfactory academic performance, the University reserves the right to take appropriate steps for any student whose suspension is waived, including but not limited to: limiting the student’s course load, and/or requiring the completion or repeat of other specific courses.