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2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
> Narrative Courses
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College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Education
AC - Accounting
ADP - Adult Degree Program
AMM - Advanced Manufacturing Mgmt
AR - Art
ASM - Aerospace Systems Management
ASTE - Athens State Teach
BI - Biology
CA - Child Advocacy
CH - Chemistry
CJ - Criminal Justice
CP - Cooperative Education
CS - Computer Science
DR - Drama
EC - Economics
ED - Education
EH - English
EL - Elementary Education
ER - Early Childhood Education
ESM - Enterprise Systems Management
ESOL - Engl Speakers Other Languages
FIN - Finance
GBA - General Business
GO - Geography
GS - General Science
HCM - Health Care Management
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HS - Health Science
HU - Humanities
HWM - Health and Wellness Management
HY - History
ISM - Information Systems Management
ITE - Information Technology
MA - Mathematics
MBI - Marine Biology
MCO - Mgmt Cybersecurity Operations
MG - Management
MK - Marketing
MUA - Music Applied
MU - Music
NUR - Nursing
OHSM - Occupationl Health Safety Mgmt
PH - Philosophy
PO - Political Science
PSHA - Public Safety Health Admin
PS - Psychology
RE - Religion
SC - Secondary Education
SE - Special Education
SO - Sociology
SS - Social Science
TH - Theatre
UNV - University Success
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Narrative Courses
100, 200, 300 or 400 level coursework
2D Composition (ART 121)
300/400 level American History courses
300/400 level Non-American History courses
3D Composition (ART 127)
3D Graphics and Animation (CAT 283)
400-level MA courses except MA 454
Administration of Child Development Programs (CHD 208)
Advanced Multimedia Production (VCM 286)
Advanced Web Development (CIS 209)
Alabama History (HIS 260)
American History (300/400 level)
American History (300/400 level)
American History
American Literature I (ENG 251)
American Literature II (ENG 252)
American National Government (POL 211)
An approved Social and Behavioral Science Elective
Anatomy and Physiology
Any 400-level Computer Science Course
Any 400-level Computer Science Course
Any 400-level Computer Science Course
Any Music Electives
Any upper-level (300/400) psychology course
Any upper-level (300/400) sociology course
Applied Differential Equations I (MTH 238)
Approved 300/400 level Chemistry Elective
Approved 300/400 level Chemistry Electives
300-400 level course
Art Electives
Art Electives
Art Electives (up to 6 hrs. can be 100/200 courses)
Art History Elective (can be 100/200 level course)
Art History I (ART 203)
Art History II (ART 204)
As approved by Advisor
At least one Fine Arts course
At Least One History Course
At least one history course
At least one history course and one behavioral science course
At Least One Literature Course
At least one literature course
At Least Two Literature Courses
Audio-visual Techniques (ART 178)
Basic Musicianship (MUS 110)
Behavioral/social science
Behavioral/social science
Behavioral/social science
Biology, Chemistry, Physics and/or designated science-based allied health courses
Biology elective courses at the 300 400 level approved by faculty advisor 10
Biology elective courses at the 300/400 level approved by faculty advisor
Biology elective courses at the 300/400 level approved by faculty advisor
Biology elective courses at the 300/400 level approved by faculty advisor
Biology Electives
Business Calculus
Business Communications (BUS 215)
Business Law I (BUS 261)
Business Statistics I (BUS 271)
Business Statistics II (BUS 272)
Calculus I
Calculus III (MTH 227)
Calculus II (MTH 126)
Calculus I (MTH 125)
Calculus I (MTH 125)
Calculus Sequence
Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (HED 232)
300/400 level courses
Child Growth and Development (PSY 211)
Children’s Advocacy Studies Training [CAST] (CA) Electives
Children’s Advocacy Studies Training (CAST) Electives
Children's Creative Experiences (CHD 202)
Children's Health and Safety (CHD 206)
Children's Literature and Language Development (CHD 203)
Chorale (MUL 180)
Class Piano I (MUL 101)
Class Voice II (MUL 112)
Class Voice I (MUL 111)
College Chemistry I (CHM 111)
College Chemistry I and II
College Chemistry II (CHM 112)
Community Health
Community Health (HED 222)
Completion of 6 approved courses (minimum 18 semester hours) in appropriate academic or professional areas
Computer Graphics I (ART 221)
Computer Information Systems
Computer Programming Course
Computer Science elective
Courses at Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Criminal Justice (CJ)
Criminal Justice Electives
Database Management Systems (CIS 222)
Drawing I (ART 113)
Drawing II (ART 114)
Educating Children with Exceptional Needs (CHD 210)
Electives from the Area of Religion
Electives in History
Electives - Music, Technology, Business, Marketing, History and Theatre Recommended (21)
Elementary Statistics (MTH 265)
English Composition I and English Composition II
English Composition I (ENG 101)
English Composition II (ENG 102)
English Literature I (ENG 261)
English Literature II (ENG 262)
European History (300/400 level)
European History (300/400 level)
European History
Fine arts
Fine arts
Fine Arts Course or Equivalent
Finite math
Finite Math or Higher Mathematics Course
Finite Math or the Equivalent
Foundations of Physical Education
Foundations of Physical Education (PED 200)
Functional Anatomy and Kinesiology (PTA 220)
Fundamentals of Fitness (PED 100)
Fundamentals of Oral Communication (SPH 106)
Fundamentals of Public Speaking (SPH 107)
General Electives
General Microbiology (BIO 220)
General Physics II (PHY 214)
General Physics I (PHY 213)
General Physics with Calculus II (PHY 214)
General Physics with Calculus I (PHY 213)
General Psychology Course (PSY 200)
General psychology course
General Psychology (PSY 200)
General Science
Graphic Animation I (ART 283)
Graphic Animation II (ART 284)
Graphic Design, Computer Graphics, Intro to Digital Photography
Graphic Design I (ART 253)
Graphic Design II (ART 254)
Higher mathematics course
History, Behavioral and Social Sciences
History Elective
History of Western Civilization I
History of Western Civilization II
History of World Religions (REL 100)
Human Anatomy and Physiology (BIO 201)
Human Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 201)
Human Anatomy and Physiology II (BIO 202)
Human Growth and Development (PSY 210)
Humanities and Fine Arts
Human Resource Management (BUS 276)
Industrial Security (CRJ 167)
Infant and Toddler Programs (CHD 209)
Intermediate Spanish II (SPA 202)
Intermediate Spanish I (SPA 201)
International Security (CRJ 168)
Introduction to App Development with Swift (CIS 157)
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Introduction to Criminal Justice (CRJ 100)
Introduction to Dance in Theatre II (THR 142)
Introduction to Dance in Theatre I (THR 141)
Introduction to Law Enforcement (CRJ 110)
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Sociology (SOC 200)
Introduction to the Theatre (THR 126)
Introduction to Web Development (CIS 207)
Introductory French I (FRN 101)
Introductory French II (FRN 102)
Introductory German I (GRN 101)
Introductory German II (GRN 102)
Introductory Spanish II (SPA 102)
Introductory Spanish I (SPA 101)
Intro to Graphic Design
Law Enforcement or Policing or Corrections or Security
Legal & Social Environment of Business (BUS 263)
Linear Algebra (MTH 237)
Literature course
Managerial Accounting (BUS 248)
Mathematics, Computer Information Systems
Mathematics courses
Methods and Materials for Teaching Children (CHD 204)
MG 47x
Aviation Management Elective
Microcomputer Applications (CIS 146)
Minimum 23 hours from 100, 200, 300 or 400 level coursework and/or credit awarded from documented work experience
Studio Instruction
Multimedia Production (VCM 285)
Natural Science
Natural Science
Natural Science Elective
Natural Sciences
Natural sciences
Non-Western History
Non-Western History (300/400 level)
Non-Western History (300/400 level)
One additional DR 300-400 level course
One Natural Science course
One other DR 300-400 level course
One upper level mathematics course
Organic Chemistry I (CHM221)
Organic Chemistry II (CHM 222)
Organic Chemistry II Lab (CHM 222L)
Organic Chemistry I Lab (CHM 221L)
Or other 300/400-level AR course approved by the faculty advisor through the University Curriculum Adjustment process
Other 300/400 level Education Coursework
Other American History elective
Other American History electives
Other course in history
Other Course in History or Behavioral or Social Science
Other course in humanities
Other Course in Humanities or Fine Arts
Other course in social/behavioral science
Other courses in history
Other courses in history
Other Courses in History or Behavioral or Social Science
Other Courses in History or Behavioral or Social Science
Other courses in history or behavioral/social science
Other courses in history or behavioral/social science
Other courses in humanities
Other courses in humanities
Other Courses in Humanities and Fine Arts
Other Courses in Humanities and Fine Arts
Other European History electives
Other Non-American History elective
Other Non-Western History elective
Personal Health (HED 221)
Personal or Community Health
Philosophy at the 300/400 level
Precalculus Algebra (MTH 112)
Precalculus Algebra or Higher Mathematics Course
Precalculus Trigonometry
Principles of Accounting I (BUS 241)
Principles of Accounting II (BUS 242)
Principles of Biology I (BIO 103)
Principles of Biology II (BIO 104)
Principles of Biology II (BIO 104)
Principles of Biology I, II or the equivalent
Principles of Child Growth and Development (CHD 201)
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO 231)
Principles of Management (BUS 275)
Principles of Marketing (BUS 285)
Principles of Microeconomics I (ECO 232)
Program Planning for Educating Young Children (CHD 205)
Psychology Elective
Psychology electives (300/400 level)
Python Programming (CIS 202)
Required Minor with approval from advisor
Safety & First Aid
Safety and First Aid (HED 230)
Security Risk Management (CRJ 171)
Social Sciences
Sociology Elective
Spanish for Health Care Professionals (HPS 113)
Speech Course (SPH 106 or SPH 107)
Sports Officiating (PED 216)
State and Local Government (POL 220)
Sufficient score on Placement Exam
Sufficient score on Placement Exam
Supervised Practical Experiences in Child Development (CHD 215)
Survey of Church History II (REL 102)
Survey of Church History I (REL 101)
Survey of the New Testament (REL 152)
Survey of the Old Testament (REL 151)
Technical Illustration
Theatre Appreciation (THR 120)
The equivalent
The history major should complete a 6 hour sequence in history in addition to satisfying the Area IV requirement
Three additional courses from the above categories
Three courses in Philosophy or Religion
Three courses in Religion
Treatment of Athletic Injuries
Two additional courses from the above categories or courses approved by the faculty advisor through the University Curriculum Adjustment process
Two Courses in Economics
Two upper level courses dealing with Global or Globalization topics
United States History I
United States History II
Upper Division Mathematics Electives
Upper Level 300/400 Chemistry courses approved by Chemistry Faculty Advisor
Up to 18 hours from 100, 200, 300 or 400 level coursework
Up to 21 hours from documented full-time work in program technical field
Wellness (HED 226)
Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II
World History I
World History I (HIS 121)
World History II
World History II (HIS 122)
World Literature I (ENG 271)
World Literature II (ENG 272)
World Regional Geography (GEO 100)